
BES School Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS)
Ms. Kara Connelly
Telephone:  732-776-3100 Ext. 2369
1100 Third Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ 07712

The New Jersey Department of Education’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act Compliance Grades

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) posts annual school and district Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) grades, as required by the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) of 2011. Under the NJDOE Commissioner’s Program for Determining Grades, the school grade is a raw score of data and the sum of the ratings for all indicators within each core element on the School Self-Assessment (e.g., 65 of 78 points). The maximum total score for a school is 78 points, whereas the school district’s grade is an average of the total scores of all schools in the school district. These raw and average scores reflect the school and school district’s degree of compliance with the ABR, as determined primarily through each school’s self-assessment of its implementation of the ABR.

The Eight (8) Core Elements measured on the HIB School Self-Assessment are as follows:

  1. HIB Programs, Approaches or Other Initiatives
  2. Training on the BOE-approved HIB Policy
  3. Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs
  4. Curriculum and Instruction on HIB and Related Information and Skills
  5. HIB Personnel
  6. School-Level HIB Incident Reporting Procedure
  7. HIB Investigative Procedure
  8. HIB Reporting

In order to foster the safest and most positive learning environments for students, the school and district grades represent part of a comprehensive process for reinforcing and strengthening our school district’s climate and culture through continuing prevention and intervention efforts targeted toward reducing and eliminating harassment, intimidation, and bullying in schools. The Asbury Park School District administration will utilize this vital data to educate our staff, students, and community about current school practices and engage all stakeholders in identifying and addressing areas for future improvement.

Beginning with the 2011-2012 academic year, the Asbury Park School District has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. The district and its constituent schools have continuously made progress in addressing harassment, intimidation, and bullying incidents and improving the educational climate and culture by systematically planning and faithfully adhering to a program of initiatives to promote a positive school environment. These efforts include the following:

  • The construction and dissemination of a statutorily compliant and Board of Education approved policy on HIB investigations.
  • The creation of a comprehensive HIB training program for all staff members.
  • The design and implementation of a clear protocol for reporting all HIB incidents.
  • The establishment of a School Safety Team (SST) at each school building.
  • The appointment of an Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS) at each school building to lead the SST and act as the primary point of contact for HIB investigations and related inquiries.
  • The observance of the “Week of Respect” and “School Violence Awareness Week” each year during the first and third full weeks of October, respectively.
  • The explicit instruction of students in topics related to HIB, including Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), character education lessons, and conflict resolution mediation.
  • The implementation of Positive Behavior Support in Schools (PBIS/PBSIS) programs.
  • The formation and continuing development of positively focused student organizations and mentoring programs, including Student Council, Class Council, Debate Club, Character Ambassadors, AmeriCorps, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.
  • The continuing partnership with local community groups and organizations to maximize the provision of available supportive programs for all students.

The Asbury Park School District’s ABR compliance grades for the 2019-2020 school year can be found here.

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